Partnerships are critical to LRLT’s work and when it comes to our actual, on the ground land conservation, our number one partner is easily the Idaho chapter of The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Of our seven completed conservation easements, three have been completed in partnership with TNC–McFarland, Kenney Creek Ranch and Hayden Creek Ranch, so when our partners at TNC approached us last summer about teaming up on a suite of projects in the Pahsimeroi Valley, we jumped at the chance. Together, these four conservation easements will protect critical riparian habitat, springheads, the Pahsimeroi River, important Pahsimeroi river tributaries and of course working ranches.
While we are nearing completion of the second of the four conservation easements, we are happy to report that TNC has completed the first conservation easement in this project on RJ and Debbie Hoffman’s 540 acre ranch. We encourage you to visit TNC Idaho’s website to learn more about this great project!