Location: Pahsimeroi Valley, Custer County
Land Size: 480 acres
Year Donated: 2015

In December 2015, Big Creek Ranch of Hailey, Idaho, donated two parcels of land to Lemhi Regional Land Trust. Located in the Pahsimeroi Valley, Grouse Creek and Rock Springs are surrounded by lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management and Lemhi Regional Land Trust will continue to ensure these parcels function as a part of the surrounding grazing allotment. The Grouse Creek parcel is particularly important for providing stockwater access to the adjoining grazing allotment. Up until 1983, this property was a fully functioning ranch, but following the Mount Borah earthquake virtually all the water on the property dried up. Today all that remains of the original ranching operation is a few stray pieces of antique equipment, the outline of former hay fields, as seen in the photo above, and a 510 foot deep well that pumps just enough water to provide a tank for livestock watering.
Lemhi Regional Land Trust is excited to offer public access to both the Grouse Creek and Rock Springs parcels as part of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game’s Access Yes! program. As a private landowner, Lemhi Regional Land Trust will also continue to pay property taxes on both the Grouse Creek and Rock Springs parcels.