Have you considered your legacy?
You can play a big role in preserving central Idaho’s open spaces, wildlife habitat, clean, cold water and agricultural heritage for future generations while also fulfilling your financial goals.
When you include Lemhi Regional Land Trust in your will or estate plans, you leave a legacy for future generations, ensuring that they will be able to work, enjoy, and recreate on the lands we cherish today. A planned gift will help support the Land Trust’s ongoing efforts to protect our rural iconic landscape.
We encourage you to consult with your tax or legal advisor to further understand how a planned gift may:
- Reduce your income taxes,
- Reduce or eliminate capital gains taxes,
- Reduce your gift or estate tax,
You can learn more about the many planned charitable giving tools here.
If you have honored the Land Trust with a legacy gift, please let us know so we can acknowledge your generosity and can welcome you to the Legacy Circle. We have established this group to honor donors who provide a future legacy for land protection in our area.